
From Devguid
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Microservice Manifesto

  • A microservice must be able to be upgraded without the clients having a matching upgrade
  • A microservice should have a clear and public interface / contract
  • A microservice's public interface should only have additive changes
  • A microservice's can add new properties to DTOs but they must not be required
  • A microservice must support older version of interface
  • A microservice can create new endpoints
  • A microservice should be autonomous


  • Autonomous
  • Single responsibility principle
    • Do one thing and do it well
  • Should be able to deploy on it's own
  • Perform well
  • Resilience to error
  • Secure
  • Own their own data
  • Independently deployable
  • Within specific boundaries

When do you need one

  • When scaling

Size of a microservice




How to

Avoid upgrade issues

  • Split up team ownership of microservices
    • First add new features
    • Then deploy updated microservice
    • Later update clients
  • Automated tests
    • Ensure that older clients are supported
    • Run as part of CI build process
  • Beware of shared code
    • Can result in tight coupling